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Our Work | Food & Nutrition | Stories

As the Rainier Beach Youth Stewards arrived on the foggy farm to begin final preparations for their Community Kitchen Dinner, the look of apprehension was evident on their faces. The day’s forecast was “rain showers,” something rarely seen in Seattle, especially in August. The group had been planning for...
Stories | Our Work | Food & Nutrition

When Maggie and I first sat down to co-plan the menu for June’s Community Kitchens dinner, there was no lack of inspiration. From the chefs who had cooked in the months prior, to the Pride-themed “Taste the Rainbow” dinner from June 2022, to using glorious, locally-sourced seasonal ingredients. In...
Our Work

When I was instated as Executive Director of Tilth Alliance in 2018, staff and I committed to acknowledging our role in upholding unjust systems and  investing in the work necessary to become a more antiracist, diverse and inclusive organization. Following various internal initiatives, in 2023, we began working with AV...