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Kids & Families | Our Work

By Nat Mengist, Children’s Garden Coordinator Sometimes people end up working in the food system unexpectedly. Such is the case with Shaila Bolger, an intern with Seattle Tilth’s children’s education programs. Shaila was matched with Seattle Tilth through the Undergraduate Community Based Intern program from the University of Washington’s...
Kids & Families

Juicy Landscape Blueberry hedges, Marion berry fences and grapevine arbors are edible landscaping at its most decadent. Berries are great additions to your landscape, providing unexpected beauty. Raspberry foliage is a beautiful addition to bouquets while blueberries and grapes provide brilliant splashes of fall color. Blueberries and raspberries are...
Kids & Families

by Lisa Taylor, children’s education program manager Hey parents! Here’s a fun planting project with surprising results that your kids will LOVE. Plant a star in the garden and watch it grow. Like magic but better because it’s real and you can eat the results! Cool weather crops such...