Any individual, business, or organization who supports and endorses the mission, vision, and goals of CORA may become a member.

Members of the Coalition for Organic and Regenerative Agriculture (CORA) provide input and direction to the Governing Council regarding the adoption of strategic priorities, goals and objectives, as well as helping to formulate CORA’s advocacy agenda and policy initiatives. Members participate in the governance of CORA by nominating and voting on members of the Governing Council. Members may also advocate on behalf of CORA’s policy priorities, serve on CORA working groups and subcommittees, attend CORA Governing Council meetings, and serve on the Governing Council.

Members are expected to demonstrate a commitment to organic and regenerative agriculture and sustainable food systems, attend CORA membership gatherings, and participate in developing CORA’s advocacy and policy agenda. Members should be supportive of CORA’s mission, share CORA’s commitment to equity, and be generally in alignment with CORA’s policy positions.

Membership Dues

Membership dues provide a significant support for the work of CORA. There are three categories of membership: Farm, Organization/Business and Individual. In determining your annual dues contribution, please refer to the membership category range provided below. Membership will never be rejected based on the level you choose, including if you determine a lower contribution necessary or most appropriate. Please give what you can.

NOTE: If paying by invoice/check, please make checks payable to Tilth Alliance and write “CORA” in the memo section.

Membership CategoryAnnual Dues
Small Farms$50-100