Tilth Alliance strives to make participation in the conference affordable for as many people as possible, regardless of financial means.
Tilth Alliance strives to make the annual Tilth Conference inclusive and affordable by partnering with other organizations and funding agencies to cover registration costs for those who would not be able to attend otherwise. Full conference scholarships are available on a limited basis, but Tilth Alliance works to award as many scholarships as funding allows.
- Use the form below to apply for scholarship to the Tilth Conference and/or the Thursday research symposium. Scholarship applications are due no later than Friday, October 4; 11:59 p.m.
- We will contact you within two weeks of receiving your application and scholarship awards will be announced by email by Friday, October 18.
- You are not eligible for a scholarship if you have already registered for the Tilth Conference and/or the research symposium.
- We have a limited amount of scholarships available each year, and we may not be able to grant all or part of your request.
- Completing the application does not guarantee a scholarship.
What’s included with a Tilth Conference scholarship:
- Admission to all events on Friday, November 15 and Saturday, November 16 (including meals and evening activities).
- Access to the Taste of PNW Trade Show on Thursday, November 14.
What’s not included with a Tilth Conference scholarship:
- Lodging and transportation.
- Admission to the research symposium on Thursday, November 14.
What’s included with a symposium scholarship:
- Research Symposium admission on Thursday, November 14, including meals and evening activities.
- Access to the Taste of PNW Trade Show on Thursday, November 14.
What’s not included with a symposium scholarship:
- Lodging and transportation.
- Admission to Tilth Conference events on Friday and Saturday, November 15 and 16.
If you have any questions, please contact our Farm Program Manager Rae Russell at raerussell@tilthalliance.org.