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Cultural practices and knowing your soil type are key ingredients to disease prevention success! If the plant tag says “prefers full sun and well draining soil”, then placing that plant in a shady area with clay soil is probably not going to be good for the plant. Light and...

Seasoned composters relish the month of May. While temperatures are still a bit too cold to put heat crops like tomatoes and cucumbers directly into the ground, by now the lawn has put on enough new growth to yield tasty green snacks for your compost pile. In fact, May...

Soap sprays dry out and kill soft bodied insects such as aphids, mealy bugs, white flies and mites. These insects are usually not a problem in an organic garden with healthy, fertile soil and plant diversity. However, in a greenhouse, cold frame or cloche where beneficial insects are not...

Are you interested in growing flavorful, vibrant tomatoes at home? While the beauty, taste and nutritional qualities of home grown tomatoes far surpass those of store-bought, local gardeners are often challenged growing tomatoes by our cool spring temperatures. Because each tomato variety has a set number of days, “from...