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Mulch is any material placed around plants usually a few inches deep to reduce weeds, increase or decrease soil temperature, retain soil moisture and reduce soil compaction. The type of mulch one uses will depend on the function and the aesthetic value of the landscape. Organic mulches such as...

Compost is the result of the natural biological cycle of growth and decay. A plant that has grown by gathering nutrients and water from the soil, energy from the sun, and carbon dioxide from the air, dies and becomes the raw material of the decay process. Microorganisms, worms, fungi...

Your chicken produces an egg every 24 hours and it is wonderful to have your own home-produced fresh eggs. Your average size hen also produces 1 cubic foot of manure every six months. What are you doing with this? Manure simply can’t continue to accumulate in your coop. It stinks, attracts rodents and...