The Coalition for Organic & Regenerative Agriculture (CORA) a powerful coalition of farmers, businesses, organizations, and activists advocating for progressive programs and policies in support of organic and regenerative agriculture in Washington State.
CORA’s Mission
The Coalition for Organic & Regenerative Agriculture (CORA) supports the broad adoption of organic and regenerative practices by producers and gardeners of all types at all scales throughout Washington State. We advocate for policies and programs that support research, generate educational opportunities, expand resources and build markets.
How CORA Works
We are a membership organization overseen by an 11-member governing council that supports the broad adoption of organic and regenerative practices by producers throughout Washington State. We are committed to creating an advocacy platform that is a unifying force bringing together the multiple interests within the organic and regenerative community.
Tilth Alliance serves as the fiscal sponsor and administrative coordinator of CORA.
CORA’s Advocacy Priorities
Development of an Organic Roadmap for Washington would serve as an overarching priority by identifying and providing data to document barriers that impede the increase in certified organic acreage and in the number of organic farms and businesses. The document should include specific commitments to expansion of organic acres, to transition support, and to integration of organic products into state funded food programs.
Organic Research should include:
- Research on the benefits and carbon impact of implementing organic practices.
- True Cost Accounting analysis of the cost of organic versus conventional agriculture.
- More resources allocated to Washington State University for research into organic practices
- Funding to collate and share out research already conducted.
Organic Markets:
- Funding for schools and other state funded institutions to add organic products into their food purchases.
- Funding for a consumer education campaign promoting organic.
Organic as Climate Smart:
- Define organic as climate smart as a policy and regulatory standard.
- Provide cost-share to help cover the cost of adopting specific climate smart practices such as cover cropping, reduced tillage and adoption of an organic systems plan.
Transitioning to Organic:
- Funds to replace lost income during the 3 year transition period to certification.
General Support for Organic:
- Investment in organic infrastructure for commodity and specialty crops.
- Grant fund for small to mid-sized farmers who can substantially improve the sustainability of their organic operations with a relatively small investment.
Legislative Successes
Read about CORA’s legislative successes on our blog.
CORA’s Leadership
CORA is led by a governing council composed of farmers and folks working in the regional food system, who are also members of the coalition. The governing council works in collaboration with CORA membership to:
- establish CORA’s goals, objectives, and strategic priorities
- develop an annual advocacy agenda and policy platform
- provide direction and oversight to a CORA project manager
- represent CORA at press conferences, public hearings and in meetings with policy makers
- serve as spokespersons and ambassadors for CORA
- cultivate relationships with key policy makers
- help recruit new members
- assist with fundraising
CORA’s Governing Council
- Harold Austin, Zirkle Fruit
- Mike Dill, Organically Grown Company
- Rhonda Faison, Rojo Juice
- Ali Lee, Health and Equity Specialist
- Maynard Mallonee, Mallonee Family Farm LLC
- Anne Schwartz, Blue Heron Farm
- Matt Steinman, Foothills Farm
- Melissa Spear, Tilth Alliance
- Jill Smith, Pure Eire Dairy & Creamery
- Brenda Vanderloop, Sammamish Valley Alliance
- Mike Wenrick, PCC Community Markets
- Donnie Wilcox, Wilcox Farms
Contact Us
Please email any follow-up questions about CORA and becoming a member to