Comprehensive Organic Gardening

Good Shepherd Center 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States

DescriptionReady to dig deeper into organic gardening? Learn everything you need to know to create a bountiful urban garden in this complete introduction to the dynamic world of organic gardening.This intensive and fun course includes 24 hours of instruction over three weeks. Through a combination of six sessions with lectures and hands-on activities, we will engage in dynamic and experiential learning. Participants will gain a richer understanding of how to support a healthy ecosystem while managing a productive organic vegetable


Intro to Seed Saving

Good Shepherd Center 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States

DescriptionDo you have a favorite tomato or lettuce variety that you grow every year? Learn how easy it is to save seeds from your favorite plants, with enough seed left over to share with others. Explore the reproduction details of common crops, make a plan to save for next season, and then have fun threshing and winnowing seeds.In this class you will learn:This in-person class will include a conversational lecture with show & tell, a tour of the garden, and

Get Register Free – $65.00

Grow Great Garlic

Good Shepherd Center 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States

DescriptionDid you know that fall is the perfect time to plant garlic for a harvest in the following spring? Get ready to grow beautiful and delicious garlic! This essential vegetable grows well in our pacific northwest climate and comes in an assortment of varieties that have different sizes, colors and flavor notes. Join us to learn about the history, life cycle and best practices to grow a successful crop of garlic.In this class you will learn about:This in-person class will

Make Herbal Infusions

Good Shepherd Center 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States

DescriptionTurn herbs from your garden into culinary and medicinal infusions. Herbs like mint, fennel, lavender and chamomile are easy to grow and can be made into healthful and delicious homemade products. Learn how to grow, harvest and utilize garden herbs in your kitchen pantry and medicine cabinet. Plus, you’ll leave with a small sample to test and enjoy! In this class we will:  This in-person class will take place indoors, with a combination of show-and-tell, conversational lecture and some taste

Get Register Free – $75.00

The Everlasting Harvest: Growing Perennial Edibles

Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands 5513 S Cloverdale St, Seattle, WA, United States

DescriptionAre you ready to grow more food? Perennial edible plants are multifunctional, providing low-maintenance sources of food, habitat and beauty in our gardens. Join us for this three-day course and learn how you can bring year-round abundance and resilience into your garden with perennial edible plants. In this course, we’ll explore ways to expand your edible landscape and keep it thriving for years to come. We’ll look to the layers of a forest for inspiration as we learn about herbaceous

Growing Microgreens

Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands 5513 S Cloverdale St, Seattle, WA, United States

DescriptionMicrogreens are an excellent way to grow your own food! And they can be especially satisfying to grow during the winter season, as a source of fresh leafy greens. These nutrient-dense, quick-growing vegetables can be grown in containers indoors, as well as on balconies or patios. Join us to learn about the fun of growing these delicious plants that are full of vitamins and minerals.In this class you will learn about:This in-person class will take place indoors, with a combination