Creating Food Forests with Medicinal Plants: Advanced Workshop
Are you curious to learn about how to deepen your skills and knowledge around ecosystem restoration and medicinal plant growing? Join us for an advanced workshop with Michael “Skeeter” Pilarski to learn about stewarding medicinal food forests! In this class designed for people with some experience, we’ll dig into agroforestry concepts and design ideas that can support functioning ecosystems and provide both food and medicine.
In this workshop, topics will include:
- In-depth plant species selection
- Tips for plant establishment and propagation
- Ongoing design management practices: plant spacing, succession planning and coppicing
- Using biomass and hugelkulturs
- How to use subtropicals in Seattle
For centuries and still today, indigenous peoples world-wide have created social ecosystems with their favorite medicinal plants. In this workshop, we’ll lead with reverence and respect for these communities and teachings, as we explore social ecosystem ideas for the Pacific Northwest.
This workshop will include a conversational lecture and time exploring the Beacon Food Forest. Class will take place outdoors – please come prepared for the weather and for a walking tour. Class size is limited to about 15 people and we will be following current public health recommendations.
*This class is part of an ongoing partnership in educational offerings with Tilth Alliance and Beacon Food Forest. The goal of these sessions is to explore climate solutions, permaculture-themed ideas, and growing practices that are creative and relevant in our urban communities.