Innovators with a strong vision built much of the organic industry we have today. They started small, but imagined a world where organic production was the norm. In this workshop you will hear from some of those innovators, their inspiration, vision and how the movement has changed. Anne Schwartz,...
Track: Transition to Organic
Hanna Deacon, Organic Transition Specialist, and Levi Fredrikson, Oregon Tilth’s Applicant Experience Specialist will provide step-by-step instructions on how to apply for organic certification and create an organic system plan. After providing an overview of organic certification and the application process, the session will become a hands-on workshop. Attendees...
Join a roundtable discussion with a certified organic farmer mentor to learn about their experiences with organic production and certification. Mentor farmers will share the barriers and challenges they’ve experienced with organic certification and production, and offer solutions on how they overcome these challenges. The roundtable discussions will be...
This session will focus on technical and financial support the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has to offer for organic and transitioning-to-organic producers. NRCS conservation practices that can help producers meet organic regulations while conserving natural resources will be discussed, including the 823 Organic Management practice and NRCS’s role...
As a certified organic producer, the maintenance of your production system falls to you; you and your team manage weeds, keep records, and balance soil fertility, all while finding ways to bring your product to market. Experience and advice from fellow producers can help. Join four certified organic farmers...